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Monday, July 14, 2008

The King of Beers Sold

Does anyone else feel like America is for sale? Today Anheuser-Busch, the King of Beers, is being sold to InBev, a Belgium based company. Why? To keep shareholders happy. InBex is purchasing A-B for a cool $52 Billion.
What does this sale mean to St. Louis? What does it mean to the country? At this point it is difficult to say, but rest assured business will change. New people will be in charge with new ideas. New ideas of how to make more money. Will this mean a change in the time honored brewing process?
I visited the brewery last week with my brother and his family. The tour was interesting and enlightening. Many steps are involved in the brewing of a great beer. The process is timed and very precise. The ingredients used are of the highest quality. Even the water is purified so all of the products taste the same no matter what state they are made in or for.
The company's history is nothing short of amazing...American history. The company survived Prohibition by selling non-alcoholic products. The company sold ice cream, root beer, ginger ale and baker's yeast to name a few.
The Budweiser Clydesdales are magnificent horses and a must see on Super Bowl ads not to mention a symbol of America. And let us not forget to mention the red, white and blue Budweiser logo or the A with the eagle swooping in.
Will this be the end of the "Real Men of Genius" commercials or just the end of "Anheuser Busch St. Louis, Missouri" at the end of the radio commercials?
Anheuser-Busch holds a 48% market share in the US. Will this continue?
What effect will the sale have on the real estate market in St. Louis?
Only time will tell.

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