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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Stone Hill Grape Stomp Event 2008

You missed a gorgeous day! We had a stompin good time!

This is a follow up to my invitation to attend the Grape Stomp in Hermann, Missouri. We made it to Stone Hill Winery at 8:30 a.m. It was chilly for an August morning in Missouri. I actually had to wear a jacket to be comfortable.
We waited in line until 11 a.m. then the registration took place. Everyone in our group was within the 90 admitted to stomp. We carried all our picnic items in and proceeded to set the table. Everyone who walked by commented on the outlay of food and drinks. We laughed and joked with them saying we had been here before and knew how to have a good time at the stomp.
The normal two minutes of stomping this year did not seem so bad. Maybe because the weather was not too hot or maybe because we have experience in stomping and knew what to expect. We had a newbie stomping with us. She did great. No fear! All in all everyone in our group had a wonderful time. Here are some pictures from the event. Nearly everyone asks how long our feet stay purple, so my daughter thought she would photograph feet in the grapes. As you can see, the grapes are white.
Join us next year for a Stompin Good Time!

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