Here is an invitation for anyone who ever thought they might enjoy stomping grapes! It is a fun time in a beautiful setting. This will be my third year attending the Stomp. And unless I am under the weather or worse, I will be there. Be sure to bring blankets, chairs and picnic items. And bring your imagination. We have had wedding parties stomp grapes together, Lucille Ball look alikes, Mario Brothers, etc. If you can think of an original costume, come on out and stomp for style or for volume. Either way it is a stompin' good time for all. Audience participation is required!
"On Your Mark, Get Set, STOMPERS STOMP!"
You only have to stomp for 2 minutes which, to most, may seem like a short amount of time. But I can assure you, in the hot sun, 2 minutes is a LONG time. Grapes along with the vines feel very interesting on your bare feet. I cannot imagine doing this for a living or for actual wine consumption. YUK!
The winery tour will give you a fairly in depth history lesson. Stone Hill is Missouri's oldest and most awarded winery. The tour helps you appreciate the heritage of this gorgeous area and the winery itself. The Held Family has done a stellar job restoring the winery and capturing a piece of the past
Please join us in picturesque Hermann, Missouri on the "hill" at Stone Hill Winery for the annual Stone Hill Grape Stomp. Come have a stompin' good time by stomping for fun and charity! Help celebrate the beginning of the grape harvest by stomping your toes into a barrel full of juicy grapes! The Grape Stomp is a charity event for River Bluff Industries, a local Sheltered Workshop for the mentally and physically challenged.
When: The event is August 9th,2008. Time: Registration starts at 11 a.m. but the line forms at about 8 a.m. since only 90 people can stomp due to time constraints and the quantity of grapes. So come early if you want to participate!
Age Categories: 0-12 yrs, 13-19 yrs, 20-39 yrs, 40-55 yrs, over 55 yrs. Special Groups: Stomp already-stomped grapes for style points and fun. Only six special group slots. At end of competition, there will be a Grand Stomp-Off among age-group winners and Grand Style Stomp-Off among age-group style winners for Grand Prize.
Judging: Stompers judged 80% on amount of juice and 20% on stomping style. Stompers get 30 lbs. of grapes and two minutes to stomp to music. Winner from each class with highest overall points goes on to compete in the Grand Stomp-Off for Grand Champion Stomper. Winner from each class with highest style points goes on to compete for Grand Style Stomp-Off for Grand Champion Style Stomper.
Cost: Grounds Fee: Adults = $3.00; Children = $1.50: Preschool = Free (includes tour). Proceeds go to River Bluff Industries. Stomping Fee = $5.00 (½ of entry to River Bluff Industries, ½ to prize money.) Most if not all of the winners donate their prize money back to this worthy cause.
Winery: Tour tickets are available at the tour booth. Maximum tour size is 50 people. Tours are on the hour and half hour. Grounds fee includes tour: Adults = $3. Ages 6-12 = $1.50. Preschool = Free. Friday and Saturday Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Last tour at 7 p.m.
Chilled wine and grape juice available by the bottle at winery and Pavilion. Limited to one bottle of chilled wine per person. Lunch served 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis. Accepting dinner reservations from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Call 573-486-3479 for reservations.
COME, join us and STOMP!